Ensure all AppArmor Profiles are in enforce or complain mode
Run the following command and verify that profiles are loaded, and are in either enforce or complain mode:
Review output and ensure that profiles are loaded, and in either enforce or complain mode:
37 profiles are loaded.
35 profiles are in enforce mode.
2 profiles are in complain mode.
4 processes have profiles defined.
Run the following command and verify no processes are unconfined
Review the output and ensure no processes are unconfined:
4 processes have profiles defined.
4 processes are in enforce mode.
0 processes are in complain mode.
0 processes are unconfined but have a profile defined.
Run the following command to set all profiles to enforce mode:
Run the following command to set all profiles to complain mode:
Note: Any unconfined processes may need to have a profile created or activated for them and then be restarted