Skip to content Ensure successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the usermod command are recorded


64 Bit systems

On disk configuration

Run the following command to check the on disk rules:

# {
UID_MIN=$(awk '/^\s*UID_MIN/{print $2}' /etc/login.defs)
[ -n "${UID_MIN}" ] && awk "/^ *-a *always,exit/ \
&&(/ -F *auid!=unset/||/ -F *auid!=-1/||/ -F *auid!=4294967295/) \
&&/ -F *auid>=${UID_MIN}/ \
&&/ -F *perm=x/ \
&&/ -F *path=\/usr\/sbin\/usermod/ \
&&(/ key= *[!-~]* *$/||/ -k *[!-~]* *$/)" /etc/audit/rules.d/*.rules \
|| printf "ERROR: Variable 'UID_MIN' is unset.\n"

Verify the output matches:

-a always,exit -F path=/usr/sbin/usermod -F perm=x -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset -k usermod

Running configuration

Run the following command to check loaded rules:

# {
UID_MIN=$(awk '/^\s*UID_MIN/{print $2}' /etc/login.defs)
[ -n "${UID_MIN}" ] && auditctl -l | awk "/^ *-a *always,exit/ \
&&(/ -F *auid!=unset/||/ -F *auid!=-1/||/ -F *auid!=4294967295/) \
&&/ -F *auid>=${UID_MIN}/ \
&&/ -F *perm=x/ \
&&/ -F *path=\/usr\/sbin\/usermod/ \
&&(/ key= *[!-~]* *$/||/ -k *[!-~]* *$/)" \
|| printf "ERROR: Variable 'UID_MIN' is unset.\n"

Verify the output matches:

-a always,exit -S all -F path=/usr/sbin/usermod -F perm=x -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=-1 -F key=usermod

32 Bit systems

Follow the same procedures as for 64 bit systems and ignore any entries with b64.


Create audit rules

Edit or create a file in the /etc/audit/rules.d/ directory, ending in .rules extension, with the relevant rules to monitor successful and unsuccessful attempts to use the usermod command.

64 Bit systems


# {
UID_MIN=$(awk '/^\s*UID_MIN/{print $2}' /etc/login.defs)
[ -n "${UID_MIN}" ] && printf "
-a always,exit -F path=/usr/sbin/usermod -F perm=x -F auid>=${UID_MIN} -F auid!=unset -k usermod
" >> /etc/audit/rules.d/50-usermod.rules || printf "ERROR: Variable 'UID_MIN' is unset.\n"

Load audit rules

Merge and load the rules into active configuration:

# augenrules --load

Check if reboot is required.

# if [[ $(auditctl -s | grep "enabled") =~ "2" ]]; then printf "Reboot required to load rules\n"; fi

32 Bit systems

Follow the same procedures as for 64 bit systems and ignore any entries with b64.