Ensure events that modify the sudo log file are collected
On disk configuration
Run the following command to check the on disk rules:
# {
SUDO_LOG_FILE_ESCAPED=$(grep -r logfile /etc/sudoers* | sed -e 's/.*logfile=//;s/,? .*//' -e 's/"//g' -e 's|/|\\/|g')
[ -n "${SUDO_LOG_FILE_ESCAPED}" ] && awk "/^ *-w/ \
&&/ +-p *wa/ \
&&(/ key= *[!-~]* *$/||/ -k *[!-~]* *$/)" /etc/audit/rules.d/*.rules \
|| printf "ERROR: Variable 'SUDO_LOG_FILE_ESCAPED' is unset.\n"
Verify output of matches:
Running configuration
Run the following command to check loaded rules:
# {
SUDO_LOG_FILE_ESCAPED=$(grep -r logfile /etc/sudoers* | sed -e
's/.*logfile=//;s/,? .*//' -e 's/"//g' -e 's|/|\\/|g')
[ -n "${SUDO_LOG_FILE_ESCAPED}" ] && auditctl -l | awk "/^ *-w/ \
&&/ +-p *wa/ \
&&(/ key= *[!-~]* *$/||/ -k *[!-~]* *$/)" \
|| printf "ERROR: Variable 'SUDO_LOG_FILE_ESCAPED' is unset.\n"
Verify output matches:
Edit or create a file in the /etc/audit/rules.d/ directory, ending in .rules extension, with the relevant rules to monitor events that modify the sudo log file.
# {
SUDO_LOG_FILE=$(grep -r logfile /etc/sudoers* | sed -e 's/.*logfile=//;s/,?
.*//' -e 's/"//g')
[ -n "${SUDO_LOG_FILE}" ] && printf "
-w ${SUDO_LOG_FILE} -p wa -k sudo_log_file
" >> /etc/audit/rules.d/50-sudo.rules || printf "ERROR: Variable 'SUDO_LOG_FILE_ESCAPED' is unset.\n"
Merge and load the rules into active configuration:
Check if reboot is required.